
I am Dr Christopher Chee (most patients call me Chris)
and I am an Urologist practicing in Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia.
For your information, Urologists are Specialist Surgeons who treat
both men and women with problems in their Genito-Urinary System.
Illnesses I treat are conditions in the kidneys, bladder, prostate
and genitalia.
Please review the Urological Conditions page for
more information on what I can help with.
I would be very pleased to be able to help you with your urological
condition and in this regard, promise that:
- you will receive prompt service with an early appointment
- have a friendly, warm and empathic welcome and consultation by my staff and myself
- benefit from comprehensive and expert assessment and management
- gain from a holistic approach to your health problem with focus on your urological problem
- have easy access and reviews for queries and difficulties
- your Personal and Medical records will be maintained in accordance to relevant Privacy Laws (see Privacy Policy)
My staff and I endeavour to be always available to help you.